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CS276 Lecture 14: Pseudorandom Functions from Pseudorandom Generators


Scribed by Madhur Tulsian


Today we show how to construct a pseudorandom function from a pseudorandom generator.

1. Pseudorandom generators evaluated on independent seeds

We first prove a simple lemma which we will need. This lemma simply says that if {G} is a pseudorandom generator with output length {m}, then if we evaluate {G} on {k} independent seeds the resulting function is still a pseudorandom generator with output length {km}.

Lemma 1 (Generator Evaluated on Independent Seeds) Let {G:\{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^m} be a {(t,\epsilon)} pseudorandom generator running in time {t_g}. Fix a parameter {k}, and define {G^k : \{ 0,1 \}^{kn} \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^{km}} as

\displaystyle  G^k(x_1,\ldots,x_k) := G(x_1),G(x_2),\ldots,G(x_k)

Then {G^k} is a {(t-O(km + kt_g),k\epsilon)} pseudorandom generator.

Proof: We will show that if for some {(t,\epsilon)}, {G^k} is not a {(t,\epsilon)} psedorandom generator, then {G} cannot be a {(t+O(km + kt_g),\epsilon/k)} pseudorandom generator.

The proof is by a hybrid argument. If {G^k} is not a {(t, \epsilon)} pseudorandom generator, then there exists an algorithm {D} of complexity at most {t}, which distinguishes the output of {G^k} on a random seed, from a truly random string of {km} bits i.e.

\displaystyle  \left\lvert\mathop{\mathbb P}_{x_1 , \ldots, x_k}\left[D(G(x_1), \ldots, G(x_k)) = 1\right] - \mathop{\mathbb P}_{r_1, \ldots, r_k}\left[D(r_1, \ldots, r_k) = 1\right] \right\rvert ~>~ \epsilon

We can then define the hybrid distributions {H_0, \ldots, H_k}, where in {H_i} we relplace the first {i} outputs of the pseudorandom generator {G} by truly random strings.

\displaystyle  H_i = (r_1, \ldots, r_i, G(x_{i+1}), \ldots, G(x_n))

As before, the above statement which says {\left\lvert\mathop{\mathbb P}_{z \sim H_0} [D(z) = 1] - \mathop{\mathbb P}_{z \sim H_k}[D(z) = 1]\right\rvert > \epsilon} would imply that there exists an {i} between 0 and {k-1} such that

\displaystyle \left\lvert\mathop{\mathbb P}_{z \sim H_i} [D(z) = 1] - \mathop{\mathbb P}_{z \sim H_{i+1}}[D(z) = 1]\right\rvert > \epsilon/k

We can now define an algorithm {D'} which violates the pseudorandom property of the generator {G}. Given an input {y \in \{ 0,1 \}^m}, {D'} generates random strings {r_ 1, \ldots, r_i \in \{ 0,1 \}^m}, {x_{i+2}, \ldots, x_{k} \in \{ 0,1 \}^n}, and outputs {D(r_1, \ldots, r_i, y, G(x_{i+2}), \ldots, G(x_{k}))}. It then follows that

\displaystyle \mathop{\mathbb P}_{x \sim \{ 0,1 \}^n} [D'(G(x)) = 1] ~= \mathop{\mathbb P}_{z \sim H_i}[D(z) = 1] ~~\text{and}~ \mathop{\mathbb P}_{r \sim \{ 0,1 \}^m} [D'(r) = 1] ~= \mathop{\mathbb P}_{z \sim H_{i+1}}[D(z) = 1]

Hence, {D'} distinguishes the output of {G} on a random seed {x} from a truly random string {r}, with probability at least {\epsilon/k}. Also, the complexity of {D'} is at most {t + O(km) + O(kt_g)}, where the {O(km)} term corresponds to generating the random strings and the {O(kt_g)} terms corresponds to evaluating {G} on at most {k} random seeds. \Box

2. Construction of Pseudorandom Functions

We now describe the construction of a pseudorandom function from a pseudorandom generator. Let {G:\{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^{2n}} be a length-doubling pseudorandom generator. Define {G_0 : \{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^n} such that {G_0(x)} equals the first {n} bits of {G(x)}, and define {G_1:\{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^n} such that {G_1(x)} equals the last {n} bits of {G(x)}.

The the GGM pseudorandom function based on {G} is defined as follows: for key {K\in \{ 0,1 \}^n} and input {x\in \{ 0,1 \}^n}:

\displaystyle  F_K (x) := G_{x_n} (G_{x_{n-1}} ( \cdots G_{x_2} ( G_{x_1} (K) ) \cdots )) \ \ \ \ \ (1)

The evaluation of the function {F} can be visualized by considering a binary tree of depth {n}, with a copy of the generator {G} at each node. The root receives the input {K} and passes the outputs {G_0(K)} and {G_1(K)} to its two children. Each node of the tree, receiving an input {z}, produces the outputs {G_0(z)} and {G_1(z)} which are passed to its children if its not a leaf. The input {x} to the function {F_K}, then selects a path in this tree from the root to a leaf, and produces the output given by the leaf.

We will prove that if {G:\{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^{2n}} is a {(t,\epsilon)} pseudorandom generator running in time {t_g}, then {F} is a {(t/O(n\cdot t_g), \epsilon \cdot nt)} secure pseudorandom function.

2.1. Considering a tree of small depth

We will first consider a slightly simpler situation which illustrates the main idea. We prove that if {G} is {(t,\epsilon)} pseudorandom and runs in time {t_g}, then the concatenated output of all the leaves in a tree with {l} levels, is {(t-O(2^l \cdot t_g), l2^l \cdot\epsilon)} pseudorandom. The result is only meaninful when {l} is much smaller than {n}.

Theorem 2 Suppose {G: \{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^{2n}} is a {(t,\epsilon)} pseudorandom generator and {G} is computable in time {t_g}. Fix a constant {l} and define {F_K:\{ 0,1 \}^l \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^n} as {F_K (y) := G_{y_l} (G_{y_{l-1}} ( \cdots G_{y_2} ( G_{y_1} (K) ) \cdots ))} Then {\overline{G}:\{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^{2^l\cdot n}} defined as

\displaystyle  \overline{G}(K) := (F_K(0^l), F_K(0^{l-1}1), \ldots, F_K(1^l))

is a {(t - O(2^{l}\cdot t_g), l \cdot 2^l \cdot \epsilon)} pseudorandom generator.

Proof: The proof is again by a hybrid argument. The hybrids we consider are easier to describe in terms of the tree with nodes as copies of {G}. We take {H_i} to be the distribution of outputs at the leaves, when the input to the nodes at depth {i} is replaced by truly random bits, ignoring the nodes at depth {i-1}. Hence, {H_0} is simply distributed as {\overline{G}(K)} for a random {K} i.e. only the input to the root is random. Also, in {H_l} we replace the outputs at depth {l-1} by truly random strings. Hence, {H_l} is simply distributed as a random string of length {n \cdot 2^l}. The figure below shows the hybrids for the case {l=2}, with red color indicating true randomness.

We will prove that {\overline{G}} is not a {(t, \epsilon)} secure pseudorandom generator, then {G} is not {(t + O(2^{l}\cdot t_g), \epsilon/(l \cdot 2^l))} secure. If we assume that there is an algorithm {D} of complexity {t} such that

\displaystyle \left\lvert\mathop{\mathbb P}_{x \sim \{ 0,1 \}^n}[D(\overline{G}(x)) = 1] - \mathop{\mathbb P}_{r \sim \{ 0,1 \}^{2^l\cdot n}}[D(r) = 1]\right\rvert ~>~ \epsilon

then we get that there is an {i} such that {\left\lvert\mathop{\mathbb P}_{z \sim H_i}[D(z) = 1] - \mathop{\mathbb P}_{z \sim H_{i+1}}[D(z) = 1]\right\rvert ~>~ \epsilon/l}.

We now consider again the difference between {H_i} and {H_{i+1}}. In {H_i} the {2^i \cdot n} bits which are the inputs to the nodes at depth {i} are replaced by random bits. These are then used to generate {2^{i+1}\cdot n} bits which serve as inputs to nodes at depth {i+1}. In {H_{i+1}}, the inputs to nodes at depth {i+1} are random.

Let {\overline{G}_{i+1}:\{ 0,1 \}^{2^{i+1}\cdot n} \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^{2^l \cdot n}} denote the function which given {2^{i+1} \cdot n} bits, treats them as inputs to the nodes at depth {i+1} and evaluates the output at the leaves in the tree for {\overline{G}}. If {r_1, \ldots, r_{2^i} \sim \{ 0,1 \}^{2n}}, then {\overline{G}_{i+1}(r_1, \ldots, r_{2^i})} is distributed as {H_{i+1}}. Also, if {x_1, \ldots, x_{2^i} \sim \{ 0,1 \}^{n}}, then {\overline{G}_{i+1}(G(x_1), \ldots, G(x_{2^i}))} is distributed as {H_{i}}.

Hence, {D} can be used to create a distinguisher {D'} which distinguishes {G} evaluated on {2^i} independent seeds, from {2^i} random strings of length {2n}. In particular, for {z \in \{ 0,1 \}^{2^{i+1}\cdot n}}, we take {D'(z) = D(G_{i+1}(z))}. This gives

\displaystyle  \left\lvert \mathop{\mathbb P}_{x_1, \ldots, x_{2^i}}[D'(G(x_1), \ldots, G(x_{2^i})) = 1] - \mathop{\mathbb P}_{r_1, \ldots, r_{2^i}}[D'(r_1, \ldots, r_{2^i}) = 1] \right\rvert\ > \epsilon/l

Hence,{D'} distinguishes {G^{2^i}(x_1, \ldots, x_{2^i}) = (G(x_1), \ldots, G(x_{2^i}))} from a random string. Also, {G'} has complexity {t + O(2^l \cdot t_g)}. However, by Lemma 1, if {G^{2^i}} is not {(t + O(2^l \cdot t_g),\epsilon/l)} secure then {G} is not {(t + O(2^l \cdot t_g + 2^i \cdot n), \epsilon/(l\cdot 2^i))} secure. Since {i \leq l}, this completes the proof. \Box

2.2. Proving the security of the GGM construction

Recall that the GGM function is defined as

\displaystyle  F_K (x) := G_{x_n} (G_{x_{n-1}} ( \cdots G_{x_2} ( G_{x_1} (K) ) \cdots )) \ \ \ \ \ (2)

We will prove that

Theorem 3 If {G: \{ 0,1 \}^n \rightarrow \{ 0,1 \}^{2n}} is a {(t,\epsilon)} pseudorandom generator and {G} is computable in time {t_g}, then {F} is a {(t/O(nt_g), \epsilon \cdot n \cdot t)} secure pseudorandom function.

Proof: As before, we assume that {F} is not a {(t,\epsilon)} secure pseudorandom function, and will show that this implies {G} is not a {(t\cdot O(nt_g), \epsilon/(n\cdot t))} pseudorandom generator. The assumption that {F} is not {(t,\epsilon)} secure, gives that there is an algorithm {A} of complexity at most {t} which distinguishes {F_K} on a random seed {K} from a random function {R}, i.e.

\displaystyle \left\lvert \mathop{\mathbb P}_{K}\left[A^{F_K(\cdot)} = 1\right] - \mathop{\mathbb P}_R\left[A^{R(\cdot)} = 1\right]\right\rvert > \epsilon

We consider hybrids {H_0, \ldots, H_n} as in the proof of Theorem 2. {H_0} is the distribution of {F_K} for {K \sim \{ 0,1 \}^n} and {H_n} is the uniform distribution over all functions from {\{ 0,1 \}^n} to {\{ 0,1 \}^n}. As before, there exists {i} such that

\displaystyle \left\lvert \mathop{\mathbb P}_{h \sim H_i}\left[A^{h(\cdot)} = 1\right] - \mathop{\mathbb P}_{h \sim H_{i+1}}\left[A^{h(\cdot)} = 1\right]\right\rvert > \epsilon/n

However, now we can no longer use {A} to construct a distinguisher for {G^{2^i}} as in Theorem 2 since {i} may now be as large as {n}. The important observation is that since {A} has complexity {t}, it can make at most {t} queries to the function it is given as an oracle. Since the (at most) {t} queries made by {A} will be paths in the tree from the root to the leaves, they can contain at most {t} nodes at depth {i+1}. Hence, to simulate the behavior of {A}, we only need to generate the value of a function distributed according to {H_i} or {H_{i+1}} at {t} inputs.

We will use this to contruct an algorithm {D} which distinguishes the output of {G^{t}} on {t} independent seeds from {t} random strings of length {2n}. {D} takes as input a string of length {2tn}, which we treat as {t} pairs {(z_{1,0},z_{1,1}), \ldots, (z_{t,0}, z_{t,1})} with each {z_{i,j}} being of length {n}. When queried on an input {x \in \{ 0,1 \}^n}, {D} will pick a pair {(z_{k,0},z_{k,1})} according to the first {i} bits of {x} (i.e. choose the randomness for the node at depth {i} which lies on the path), and then choose {z_{k,x_{i+1}}}. In particular, {D((z_{1,0},z_{1,1}), \ldots, (z_{t,0}, z_{t,1}))} works as below:

  1. Start with counter {k = 0}.
  2. Simulate {A}. When given a query {x}
    • Check if a pair {P(x_1, \ldots, x_i)} has already been chosen from the first {k} pairs.
    • If not, set {P(x_1, \ldots, x_{i+1}) = k+1} and set {k=k+1}.
    • Answer the query made by {A} as {G_{x_n}( \cdots G_{i+2}(z_{P(x_1, \ldots, x_{i+1}),x_{i+1}}) \cdots )}.
  3. Return the final output given by {A}.

Then, if all pairs are random strings {r_1, \ldots, r_t} of length {2n}, the answers received by {A} are as given by a oracle function distributed according to {H_{i+1}}. Hence,

\displaystyle \mathop{\mathbb P}_{r_1,\ldots,r_t}[D(r_1, \ldots, r_t) = 1] = \mathop{\mathbb P}_{h \sim H_{i+1}}\left[A^{h(\cdot)} = 1\right]

Similarly, if the {t} pairs are outputs of the pseudorandom generator {G} on independent seeds {x_{1}, \ldots, x_{t} \in \{ 0,1 \}^n}, then the view of {A} is the same as in the case with an oracle function distributed according to {H_i}. This gives

\displaystyle \mathop{\mathbb P}_{x_1,\ldots,x_t}[D(G(x_1), \ldots, G(x_t)) = 1] = \mathop{\mathbb P}_{h \sim H_i}\left[A^{h(\cdot)} = 1\right]

Hence, {D} distinguishes the output of {G^t} from a random string with probability {\epsilon/n}. Also, it runs in time {O(t \cdot n \cdot t_g)}. Then Lemma 1 gives that {G} is not {(O(t \cdot n\cdot t_g), \epsilon/(n \cdot t))} secure. \Box

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